• Friday math movie: Advancing the Digital Arts

    Updated: 2012-09-30 15:24:52
    Every time you see a computer graphic, you are looking at math in action.

  • IntMath Newsletter: No cost math books, math in art, Manga Guide review

    Updated: 2012-09-30 15:24:52
    In this Newsletter: 1. Resource: free math textbooks 2. Math in Art - Bridges 2012 3. Manga Guide to Linbear Algebra review 4. F1gur471v31y 5p34k1ng? 5. Math puzzles 5. Friday math movie 6. Final thought - a 2-letter approach to life

  • Friday math movie: A test for Parkinson's

    Updated: 2012-09-30 15:24:52
    Here's a possible test for Parkison's Disease based on math.

  • Second Milano R net meeting

    Updated: 2012-09-28 11:04:45
    Second Milano R net meeting took place on September, 27. More than thirty R users joining both the presentations session and the open bar. If you attended the meeting, please leave a comment in the page of the meeting. You … Continue reading →

  • Photos of the second Milano R net meeting

    Updated: 2012-09-28 11:01:01
    Photos of the second Milano R net meeting Milano; September 27, 2012

  • Optimal seriation for your matrices

    Updated: 2012-09-28 10:23:00
    In our previous post, we used a quick-and-dirty method for ordering the axes on our heatmap. It has been pointed out to me that There is a Package for That (which is my nominee for a new slogan for R — not that it needs a slogan). seriation offe...

  • Presentations of the second Milano R net meeting

    Updated: 2012-09-28 09:59:26
    Welcome presentation Andrea Spanò, Partner at Quantide (download PDF, 3.0 MB) Introduction to the next Italian BioR event at PTP Andrea Pedretti, Parco Tecnologico Padano (download PDF, 0.2 MB) Applications of technical risk assessment in Food Industry by R Carlo … Continue reading →

  • Reading and Text Mining a PDF-File in R

    Updated: 2012-09-27 23:25:00
    I just added this R-script that reads a PDF-file to R and does some text mining with it to my Github repo..

  • Randomness in MATLAB : Are you ruining your results due to your choice of syntax?

    Updated: 2012-09-26 14:49:04
    #leftcontainerBox { float:left; position: fixed; top: 60%; left: 70px; } #leftcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; clear:both; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; padding-bottom:2px; } #bottomcontainerBox { height: 30px; width:50%; padding-top:1px; } #bottomcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; height: 30px; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; } Pop quiz: What does the following line of MATLAB code do? rand('state',10) If you said ‘It changes the seed of the random number generator to 10′ you get half a point. ‘Only half a point!?’ I hear you say accusingly ‘but it says so in my book [for example, 1-3], why not a full point?’ You only get a [...]

  • James Tanton – Inspired by Math #11

    Updated: 2012-09-24 05:30:07
    The MAA recently published a book, Mathematics Galore!, of creative classroom activities by James Tanton. These activities are great explorations for high school and motivated middle school students to work through alone, or for group work in Math Circles. I got a review copy of the book and instantly fell in love with it. I've [...]

  • Topology of Politics — Popular topology lecture

    Updated: 2012-09-21 01:39:10
    I will be speaking on my research into topological data analysis for political data sets at the University of Edinburgh, at 4:10pm on 15th October, in Room 6206, James Clerk Maxwell Building. Data Analysis on politics data Data analysis has played a growing role in politics for many years now; analyzing polling data to predict [...]

  • Open source fonts

    Updated: 2012-09-07 00:53:49
    Adobe released an open source font today called Source Sans Pro.   It looks super clean and nearly perfect for user interfaces.  Right now it comes in six weights, but a monowidth version is coming soon.  (I’m most excited about … Continue reading →

  • Oracle Wants Its Billion Dollars from SAP

    Updated: 2012-09-05 13:30:00
    Oracle is appealing to get the whole $1.3 billion in damages a California jury awarded it last year in its copyright infringement case against rival SAP. SAP admitted that its third-party maintenance subsidiary TomorrowNow illegally downloaded scads of software from Oracle’s servers. The trial judge thought the award was “grossly” over the top and offered Oracle $272 million or a new trial. SAP offered Oracle $306 million to make the specter of another image-damaging trial go away. Oracle is appealing in hopes of seeing more money. read more

  • Send your submissions for 90th Carnival of Math

    Updated: 2012-09-04 10:54:00
    #leftcontainerBox { float:left; position: fixed; top: 60%; left: 70px; } #leftcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; clear:both; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; padding-bottom:2px; } #bottomcontainerBox { height: 30px; width:50%; padding-top:1px; } #bottomcontainerBox .buttons { float:left; height: 30px; margin:4px 4px 4px 4px; } I’m hosting the 90th Carnival of Mathematics very soon.  If you have written (or read) a mathematics blog article over the last month and want to give it more attention, why not make a submission? The deadline for submissions is 10th September.

  • Data visualization and Digital Research tools

    Updated: 2012-09-03 15:29:56
    Two new collections of tools that may be of interest to the OpenScience community.  Not everything on these lists is Open Source, but many of the visualization and research tools look to be very useful.   Hat tip to Eric … Continue reading →

  • Help get this film into every public middle school

    Updated: 2012-09-03 15:10:43
    My good friends, Scott and Jen, at Imagine Education have produced an educational film, The Biggest Story Problem. I had the opportunity recently to attend a private screening of the film. The documentary does an outstanding job of identifying a number of the issues that make the American math education system seriously challenged. Many of [...]

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